Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~ MY WAY ~ day 1

Last night (before even knowing about the challenge!) I made my luch for today. I was in a hurry and super tired ( i just got back from a 10 day trip, and major jetlag. So i wanted to do something easy!

I turned the broiler on, and literally threw 3 boneless chicken thighs in some bakeware. cut one brown onion into rings. threw that on. threw in about 1/4 cup of grape tomatoes, along with some salt, pepper and paprika.


this morning I was also in a hurry, but I wanted to accompany it with some greens so I threw in some green beens into my tupperware with a piece of chicken.

It was delicious!
~Kale Shrimp Wraps~

After work I went home and made a modified version of a recipe I saw on food network a couple weeks ago. The recipe was for shrimp/pork wraps, but I only had shrip at home so it became shrimp wraps. And I only had kale instead of lettuce, so they became Kale Wraps, which is a.o.k with me because Kale is an amazing see vegetable LOADED with vitamins and minerals! most sea vegetables are :)

The recipe asked to begin with sauteeing Shallots and garlic in pan. I only had mexican onions and garlic...so ...thats what I used! then seasoned with paprika, cumin and pepper. DUring the show I learned a tip: Add salt last because salt keeps meats from searing andmakes meat dry and boil instead.

after sauteeing those ingredients added shrimp, waited for it all to sautee, then added salt to taste, and chopped cillantro along with water chesnuts.

Dont have all the ingredients at home to follow a recipe? its OK! get creative. have fun! work with what you got;)

day #1, two delicious meals!

(ps I make 2-4 servings whenever I cook so I can use for lunch/dinner later on in the week :)

Cooking and journaling. two things that make me happy. how can i go wrong with this!?! great form of creative expression {edible Art!}