Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chocolate. ......and falling in Love.

MOLE [ˈmoh-leh] - 'sauce' or 'concoction' in Nahuatl language of the aztecs.

CHOCOLATE [chaw-kuh-lit]- Highly addicting deliciousness. 

LOVE [luhv]- ???

No words could ever define it.

Mole, a dish that is a culinary symbol of Mexico. 
A main characterizing ingredient, rich dark chocolate. or in the case of my mom's recipe specifically  'Abuelita's' chocolate.  Also used to make mexican hot chocolate...yum  : )

Anyway, I took my moms recipe and instead of using the traditional 'Abuelita's' chocolate I incorporated, all-natural, whole food ingredients.
better for you.
just as RICH.

Alternative: cocoa powder+ a touch of stevia.

So, What the hell does this have to do with falling in love???

Well, probably nothing, but I'm gonna make it work.
For  years, even though I am almost to the point of naivety quite the hopeful romantic, I've looked at relationships around me, and honestly don't see too many good ones (hardly any actually). Much less, great ones. Co-dependency, jelousy, slefishness, control, dishonesty, mistrust, and the list goes on (equate here to the food world with High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Hydrogynated oils, Artificial Sweeteners, Monosodium glutamate aka MSG, Sodium nitrite, Phosphoric Acid )
DAM. it might taste good, feel good in that moment, addicting even. crave it &  keep going back for more...but in the end these things are poisenous. Toxic.

blah blah blah. so many reasons to become a bitter, closed-off,  overly guarded, relationship/man-hater.

 i refuse to. i shall continue believing in love. and the best way to believe in it is to maintain high and strong its true ideals and values. Love should not only feel good it should be good for you. for your soul. your  entire being. should inspire. to grow. to evolve. mirror back your full potential. so many beautiful things.

its not that it doesn't exist.  but merely that we're human. and unfortunately we often hurt each other in the mess of it.  When i feel myself building up that wall, just a gentle reminder of this. & to cut myself and others some slack.  above all to be forgiving. be kind.

The day may come when another comes into our life, willing to put in the bit of extra effort & figure out how to switch out the abuelita's chocolate for some healthier alternatives, such as better communication etc.,  in order to have a relationship that is not only exotically delicious, but good for the both of you in every way.

Until then lets not do Love, or each other, a disservice by settling for anything any less beautiful.

(Not only in romantic relationships, but simply in the way we treat one another)

"Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts"
 ~ Charles Dickens

Mami's Mole recipe

5 chiles anchos
5 chiles new mexico
3 galletas de sal
1 gajo de ajo
1/4 palito de canela
1/4 de chocolate (no se dora)
5 clavitos
5 pimientas
2 hojas de laurel
4 cacahuates
semillitas de ajonjoli (last)
jugo de 2 naranjas

"los doras en aceite pero ten cuidado que no se te quemen por que se amargan, se tostan luego luego.....despues tostas unas tres cuadritos de galletas de sal, unos un ajo grande, (un cuarto de canela ( en palito).. un cuarto de chocolate) estos no se doran....pero sigues dorando..unos 5 clavitos, 5 pimientas...unas dos hojas de laurel..unos cuatro cacauates...y muy importante semillitas de ajonjoli..son las que tuestas al ultimo por que se consumen todo el aceite... bueno, pones todo esto en la licuadora...le pones el jugo de dos naranjas...le pones bien poquita agua nomas para que se muela....tiene que quedar algo espeso...lo mueles bien
dura mucho moliendolo para que quede bien molidito..lo pruevas de sal y de azucar por que tambien tiene que saver no agarro mucho savor de dulce le puedes poner otro pedacito de chocolate y poquita azucar pero ten cuuidado no pasarte.. tambien de sal......ya que este bien molido... con este mole vas a enmolar la carne que vas a poner a concer solo le pones bien poquita agua por que va a soltar agua la carne , la carne la emolas y luego le pones otras dos hojas de perejil otros dos o tres clavos y pimienta y poquita dejas cociendo y ya esta.... el mole... pones aceite en una casuela y le pones el mole para guisarlo...cuidalo por que se pega bien facil y medio tapalo por que brinca...y ya esta listo ...ya se me antojo!!"