Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Life Revisions. 150 burpees for time. & Carrot Cake Muffins.

5:13am  June 25th. 
(i know the exact time because i looked at my cell- dammit! I'm supposed to leave at 5:10! 
here i go again being 5 minutes late to crossfit. . . umm, oh well !  

im excited. 150 burpees for time. hell yea. i love burpees (ok please don't stop reading my blog because of that insane statement haha) 

As I'm walking-almost-skipping towards my car, I hear a mans voice "ma'am please go back inside your residence. stay inside. lock your windows and doors"
I stop in my tracks. 
I feel like my heart skips a bit. then starts beating fast, as if to catch up. 


 i have no idea whats going on. but i want throw up. 
and hello, thanks for messing up my nicely organized- nearly flawless "life plan" for today. 
i wanted to do burpees.

after about half a milli-second however, reality hits. i don't care about burpees anymore. 
I just want to- be o.k. 

I stand there for a moment. in the middle of the street.
(the only crazy person up and out at 5 am lol)
look at my car. look at my door. look at my car. look at my door. dammit. i want to leave. 
i really just want to tell the guy- i rather go to crossfit. id feel much safer there. k. thanks.
but he repeats sternly- 
Ma'am go inside. lock your windows. lock your doors. 

so i go inside. my heart racing, hands softly trembling. close my windows. lock them. 

with two days before my bday, i must say, this disgusting feeling, where the possibility that something might happen to me, and that my life can be taken away at any instant, is a not-so-nice, but effective reminder that-

life really is a gift. 

a gift, each single new day.

simple as that.

I get back in bed and lay there for a while. thinking, thinking, thinking, trying not to think, and listening to the copter outside. 

then I decide:
 THIS is the kind of year its gonna be : (the kind of life I'm going to LIVE.)
nothing can stop me. 
when life throws a curve ball. 
simple- REVISE- 
adapt. modify.
continue Forward. 

Unafraid- Awesome. 
but sometimes even- shitless afraid. Yet still, Boldly- Forward. 

So i get out of bed. 
pick my current favorite super thug-ghetto-booty song on youtube. 
hit play. (not too loud of course. duh.)
do my 150 burpees for time. 

in my room. (#quietestburpeesever #myneighboorsprobablyhateme) 
and damn, it got hot. (all windows locked and closed = hot)

11min.36 sec.

I'm alive. 

. . . & just because this is also a kinda food-cooking-health-recipe blog see yummy Pseudo Carrot Cake Muffin recipe below. Gluten free. Super delish. Easy. Ready-in-15minutes. Perfect to bake with a friend on a girls-night-in with coffee/tea while on Pinterest. yes. thats what i was doing when i had mine :p 

{Pseudo} Carrot Cake Muffins

-Recipe slightly modified from Elana's Pantry.com-Almond Flour Muffins-

  • Ingredients- 
  • 1 cup Almond Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 Tablespoon Agave Nectar/Honey
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 large carrot, shredded
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

Baking instructions-

1. In medium bowl, Combine all dry ingredients (Flour & Baking Soda)
2. In large bowl combine wet ingredients (eggs, agave, and vinegar)
3. Stir dry ingredients into wet, stir batter until mixed well (no lumps etc) 
4. Mix in graded carrots, crushed walnuts and anything else of your liking. 
 (chopped dates, almonds, coconut bits, cocoa chips, crushed pineapple . . .oooh the possibilities) 
5. Scoop Muffin batter into paper lined muffin pan (about 1/4 cup each)
6. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes, or until slightly brown around edges. 
7. Set aside, let cool. or not. 
8. Serve.