As many places as I go see, as many people as I meet. There is no place like home, and there's nothing like family.
Yea, yea I skipped a few days of blogging, and had a couple of beers with my dad on the lake (which is SOOO not paleo haha), but I incorporated cooking/nutrition INTO my life, and not BECOME my life or control it. After all, we eat to LIVE!...and when eating ("healthy" or "Unhealthy") keeps you from LIVING? well....that's food for thought ;)
So this was one of my favorite meals to blog about because it was a saturday morning at home with my little brother and sister. We made a DELICIOUS! Nutritious meal, and we spent time together making it. None of us had ever poached an egg before, so that was exciting. My little brother literally ran to the kitchen to watch it and said "cool". then left. (haha!... <3) but hey, something's something!
This happened during the "fun" part of egg poaching, "fun" part according to www.MRBreakfast.com. And I QUOTE: "ease your egg from the cup into the water. Just let it slide out. This is the fun part. I love watching poached eggs cook. They look like little floating angels or ghosts. Those flowing strands of white are nothing to be worried about. JUST SIT BACK AND WATCH THE MAGIC" ha ummm.. i mean I dont know if I would use the word "magic" haha, but yea it was actually super cool though!
I got the recipe to my email that morning ( check out this link to recieve recipe emails, lots of good stuff! http://www.whfoods.org/) and decided to make it. Since I had never "poached" an egg before I googled it, and it lead me to www.mrbreakfast.com, where it explained in detail how to do so. http://www.mrbreakfast.com/ask.asp?askid=16
With the internet, we can all be gourmet chefs! Tons of recipes and "how to" videos are only a click away! Use your resources, get creative, try something new! but most importantly dont be afraid to fuck it up! cuz...its fun either way, and there's always, lunch, dinner, or the next day to try again :P
Happy Experimenting! i mean, cooking ;)