ABOUT EATING OUT. As a recovered "diet" addict (amen, ALABARE!;) I know it can be scary to eat out. People watching you, tempting dishes (that are "wrong/BAD" according to whatever diet is being followed) Scary/stressful is the feeling of not having the will power to resist what is truly desired (cheesecake??? Mmm) OR feeling pressure, or worried about making others feel "bad" while they order the burgers, the fries, the double cheese ravioli... when what you TRULY want is a fresh healthy fruit salad with grilled chicken.
Hmmmmmm I'm starting to sense a pattern...in either case the problem is feeling that you don't have a choice in what you truly want. but guess what WE ALWAYS DO. so, The hell with it! Others will always have an opinion, and a lot of times even comment. Life's to short to be preoccupied with what others might think of your food choices. (YOUR choice, your responsibility, and your consequences. THEIR choice. their responsibility. Their consequences) So whether what you truly want is the triple chocolate fried brownie with cream cheese frosting, OR the grilled salmon with steamed veggies OR anything else in between! Its important to take the time to discover what YOUR true preferences are, YOUR priorities (is your health one of them?)The important thing is to feel empowered about it, and good riddens to guilt! I know I've said it before but, its worth saying again. We only live once! and its your life to live! so really, go out and enjoy a meal with loved ones (if its what you love/want to do) and follow YOUR "diet", and no one else's.
That said, My beautiful friend Misha invited me to the boiling crab. It was fabulous! FOR ME i like it because it was a whole new experience! The food was served in bags, no plates, no silverware, and it was...(drum roll please)....REAL FOOD! GOOD FOOD! FUuuN food! not to mention, good for you food ;)because yes, as much as I believe we only live once, we are also ONLY GIVEN ONE BODY TO ENJOY IT ALL, and I want to take care of mine, put good qualitiy things into it. my body is not a dumpster, its a beautiful gift from god. on that same token I used to spend so many of my waking moments constantly critizizing the gift ive been given, now I choose to be grateful. THANKFUL FOR OUR BODIES. they are perfect and beautiful as they are. food for thought :)
We had oysters, Shrimp, Crab, and corn!(yum corn, i loooove corn!) no calories counting. life's about moments not calories. just stop eating when satisfied. simple. and #1: ENJOY. Savor each bite, as each moment in life should be.
GREAT food and AMAZING company. So blessed I could share this dining experience with one of my dearest friends :)
The boiling crab, highly recommended!